Cookie Monster as we all know loves eating cookies, but he is determined to stop stuffing down cookies because he’s already devoured 12 in the past 2 minutes. There’s a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies sitting right in front of him. Each cookie is like an enchanting siren luring him, he really wants to have just one more. But it’s ‘crunch’ time, he needs to focus and muster up all the willpower in him to just say no and walk away. Alas, he can not show restraint and succumbs to eating another 2 dozen cookies.
Many of us feel this way when it comes to falling into temptation and sin. We know what we shouldn’t do. Sin like anger, disobedience, excess, self-indulgence, selfishness, unkindness, impatience. Sometimes we can win that inner battle, but often we walk away defeated filled with guilt and shame because of our lack of self-control. Our hearts want one thing, and our minds are telling us otherwise (Romans 7: 15-20).
Self-control is available to all believers as we abide and trust in Christ. Self-control was modelled perfectly by Jesus. Jesus lived for the will of God, not his own desires. The Son of God became a man, and in flesh suffered for the sins of all. Having self-control is about being in charge of your feelings, actions, and thoughts, to make yourself do something that is not easy. It was not easy for Jesus to die for those who mocked him and wrongly accused him, a man who lived a sinless and perfect life! He could have easily sought justice and vengeance against those who wronged him. But he showed restraint and chose forgiveness, God’s perfect plan.
Jesus spent a lot of time walking and growing in His relationship with his Father in heaven. When he needed wisdom and strength he went to God. For us, transformation happens over time as we come to know God more, and the Fruit of the Spirit begins to grow in our hearts. We admit the inadequacies and emptiness of trying to control ourselves and pray to God for help. It will take time and that’s why we have a forgiving God. He is God and he is able to work through us in our weakness, 1 Peter 4:11 tells us that “whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
As you talk to your kids about self-control this week, remind them that having more self-control requires discipline, practice and most importantly, the Holy Spirit working in our hearts. When we fail, which will happen over and over again, we lean on God's grace and forgiveness and then we try again. Check out our last Fruit of the Spirit-themed newsletter for more discussion questions, activities and a very special exercise activity with one of our ResKIDS! This short Saddleback Kids video gives an overview of Paul's letter to the church in Corinth.