We're kicking off week 3 with a FUN contest. The ResKids graphics team designed a couple of stellar mascots for this summer's curriculum. The only problem? They don't have names!
Can you help? Give us YOUR ideas for mascot names by filing in this form between now and July 20. The graphics team will choose their favourite and if you win, we'll send a super radical (!) prize your way.
ResKids Calendar
Here is the ResKids calendar for the rest of July and August. Mark this on your calendar or sign up to access the ResKids GOOGLE calendar!
Sunday, July 18
Townhall Meeting - NO RESKIDS LESSONS!
Sunday, July 25
ResKids at the Park
Join us for a short lesson time and games at a local park. Location TBD but we'll meet around 4:00pm.
Sunday, August 1
ResKids on Zoom
** We'll be taking a break from zoom lessons for the remainder of August but don't worry, we'll be releasing a brand new summer BINGO and we'll have a ResKids at the Park event (see below)!! **
Sunday, August 22
ResKids at the Park
Details to come
Week Two
Zacchaeus, Part I
Say This
I can have confidence because I am forgiven.
Remember This
"My command is this:
Love each other as I have loved you."
John 15:12, NIV
Bed Time
Read Luke 19:1-9. What does it feel like to be forgiven? You’ve likely experienced forgiveness from your family and friends, as well as Jesus. How did that make you feel? Probably amazing! An act of forgiveness can help you see yourself the way God sees you. That confidence can help you make better choices. Pray together to show forgiveness to each other and others around you so they too can experience the confidence that comes from being forgiven.