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Bible Memory Verse Challenge

You are invited to participate in our first Bible Memory Verse Challenge! We're inviting all our ResKIDS, teachers and helpers to memorize four verses in four months.

At the beginning of each month, open your Bible and look up the month's key verse*. Write it down and practice the Bible verse. Spend time thinking about what it teaches us about God, and ourselves. At the end of the four months, we'll have a check-in and celebration (with prizes, of course!)

Lil' Res (nursery and preschool) children are also included in the challenge. Check out their Bible Memory Verse below.

ResKids February Challenge

Exodus 15:11

ResKids March Challenge

Psalm 119:105

ResKids April Challenge

Psalm 77:14 

ResKids May Challenge

Romans 6:23 

Lil' Res February and March Challenge

Psalm 119:105

Lil' Res April and May Challenge

Psalm 77:14 

Extra Challenge!

In addition to the memory verses above, we're inviting all the ResKIDS, teachers and helpers to also memorize the books of the Old Testament.

Click on the image for a printable bookmark to help your kids memorize!

List of Old Testament books


The Bible Memory Verse is a group challenge which means that we will work together to unlock prizes! For those of you who haven't had a chance to visit our ResKids hallway, we have lightbulb flags for each kid, teacher and helper. One verse = one sticker. 

So far we've collected over 80 stickers and we unlocked our first Bible Memory Verse prize. Now we're working towards collecting 120 stickers!! Once we do, we'll get to give out another fun prize to participants.

Download the february to May Memory Verse Worksheets:

Click on the image to access a pdf copy of the memory verse worksheets:

 March Bible Verse

Categories: Resources , Teachers