How to Read the Bible: Resources
Access to the video we're watching, along with some additional articles.
Additional blogs from Jen Wilkin about Bible Literacy:
TGC: Bible Literacy for All: A Conversation With Jen Wilkin
Blog: Recalculating: How Study Bibles Can Limit Bible Study
Helpful Websites and Resources:
The Bible Project, including the app
Courses by The Gospel Coalition
Summit View Church John Study Guide, Part 1
Summit View Church John Study Guide, Part 2
Reading through John
Here is our reading plan for John, which will take us through to August. Each week, we'll post a passage, along with some reflection questions*.
Pastor Sam will begin teaching on the book of John from March through to September.
Week 1: Introduction to John, God in the Flesh
Week 2: Behold the Lamb of God
Week 3: Come and See
Week 4: Truth and Grace
Week 5: The Gift of God
Week 6: Merciful Healer
Week 7: Truly Truly
Week 8: The Bread of Life
Week 9: Come and Drink
Week 10: The Light of the World
Week 11: Eyes to See
Week 12: The Door and the Good Shepherd
*Reflection Questions are from the John Bible Study by N.T. Wright and the John Bible Study by NavPress Bible Study Series.